AtoZ Databases

MEL LogoTo access this resource from outside of the Library, please click here.

Detailed information on 30 million businesses and executives and 2 million new businesses. Includes data on over 200 million residents as well as new movers/homeowners. Special features include a background and criminal history search. Information provided on U. S. healthcare professionals. Includes a jobs database and email marketing.

To learn more about how to use AtoZDatabases, click here for video tutorials and click here for upcoming webinars.

Business Book Summaries

Provides concise, comprehensive summaries of the best business books. Professionals and students can use these to keep up with the latest information in the business world.

Business & Economics

Logo GVRLFrom the Gale Virtual Reference Library

Data Axle

Logo Data AxleUse this database to locate directory information on companies all around the country. Find information such as location, sales volume, contact person, number of employees, and more. To learn more about how to use Data Axle, click here for video tutorials and webcast schedulesThis database paid for by Novi Public Library.

Demographics Now: Business & People

MEL LogoResearchers and entrepreneurs are provided with comprehensive business and demographic information valuable to assess business viability, create sales leads and marketing mailing lists, complete location analyses and business plans, analyze population trends, find potential sponsors and donors and much more. To learn more about how to use Demographics Now, click here for video tutorials.

Encyclopedia of Associations (Gale Directory Library)

Encyclopedia of Associations (Gale Directory Library)

Entrepreneurial Studies Source

Resource for business students and researchers. It provides insights on entrepreneurship and small businesses topics. Offers full text business journals, magazines, reference books, case studies, and company profiles.

eBook Business Collection

A key resource for academic and business school libraries. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.

Gale Business: DemographicsNow

Gale Business: DemographicsNow

LinkedIn Learning

Linkedin Learning LogoLearn business, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals using these free video courses on the latest software, taught by industry experts. Online videos are available for Developer, IT, Business, Marketing, Photography, 3D + Animation, Video, Web, and more. Both in-library and remote users must enter their library card number and PIN to access Linkedin Learning.

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Morningstar LogoFinancial information including stocks, mutual funds, return information on various investment indexes, portfolio tools and more. To access video tutorials and more click on the Help and Education tab after signing in. This database paid for by Novi Public Library.
For in-library use, please click here.

Regional Business News

MEL LogoRegional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces to 1990. Includes newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires.

Small Business Reference Source

MEL LogoCovers all aspects of starting and operating a business. Includes information on accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. State-specific information included.

Value Line

Value LIneIncludes on-line access to Value Line's leading publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks. To learn more about how to use Value Line, click here for video tutorials. This database paid for by Novi Public Library.

For remote access to Value Line, please click here.
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To resolve this issue, you’ll need to click on “Advanced” and accept the new certificate. 

If you continue to have difficulties, please contact us.